
Water heater and boiler: differences and characteristics

Water heater and boiler: differences and characteristics

What are the differences between a water heater and a boiler? Which products consume less? In this article we will delve into their operation and main features to make an informed choice.

It often happens that we can get confused when it comes to talking about water heaters or boilers. They are both products that as long as they work, we almost forget we have them. Let's start from a premise, domestic hot water is what we use every day to wash ourselves , clean the dishes, or simply what comes out of the taps at home.

This water is different from the “technical” water that is used by radiators and that travels in a closed circuit. This type of water is also hot, because it brings warmth throughout our home.

The water heater and the boiler can be used for domestic hot water , but only the boiler can heat the house in winter.

When you have to choose between the water heater and the boiler it is therefore important to know their functions and above all the use we want to make of them. Thanks to Ferroli technical experts, we can delve deeper into the functioning of these two devices, so as to help you choose the best product.

So, how can we choose between a water heater or a boiler? 

First of all, it is essential to understand which system is best suited to our needs, especially in terms of energy efficiency and cost reduction on the bill.

The water heater, as mentioned in the introduction, is able to heat water for sanitary use, and there are different technologies: electric, gas or heat pump.

Normally the water heater is installed inside your home, typically in the kitchen or bathroom. There are other differences between water heaters, in fact they can be instantaneous or storage water heaters.

  • Instantaneous water heaters provide hot water at the same time as the tap of running water is opened (shower or sink for example). Since there is no tank, the hot water is supplied instantly , saving on electricity and water consumption.
  • On the contrary, the storage water heater has a tank in which the water is retained and heated when needed . For this reason, it is necessary to wait a few seconds or minutes in some cases, before the water reaches the desired temperature.

Advantages of water heater

  1. Lower Cost : Generally, water heaters are less expensive to purchase and install than boilers.
  2. Easy installation : Installation is usually quicker and less invasive.
  3. Compact solution : Instant water heaters take up less space and are ideal for small apartments or houses with limited space.

Disadvantages of water heater

  1. Limited use : Does not provide space heating, so an additional system for home heating may be required.
  2. Limited capacity : Tank water heaters can run out of hot water if the tank is not large enough.
  3. Lower efficiency : Traditional water heaters can be less efficient than modern condensing boilers.


What about boilers?

The world of boilers is vast and full of completely different models, varying according to technology and fuel.

The most common ones are condensing boilers, which are able to recover the heat produced directly from the exhaust fumes. They have a higher efficiency and lower consumption.

A boiler can be installed inside or outside the home and is used to produce domestic hot water and heat the rooms of your home (via radiators or underfloor heating).

We have explored the operation of a condensing boiler in another article, but to summarise, the boiler, through the combustion of gas, heats the water introduced into the heating pipes and to the taps of running water.

Boiler Advantages

  1. Energy efficiency : Modern boilers, especially condensing ones, are very efficient and can significantly reduce energy costs.
  2. Space heating : in addition to providing domestic hot water, boilers heat spaces, offering a complete solution for home comfort.
  3. Versatility : available in various types and sizes, they can be installed in different configurations depending on the needs of the building.

Disadvantages of the Boiler

  1. Initial Cost : Installing a boiler can be more expensive than installing a water heater.
  2. Maintenance : Requires periodic maintenance to maintain efficiency and prevent breakdowns.

Does a water heater or a boiler consume less?

This is the question of questions, which product consumes less between boiler and water heater? As always, the smartest answer is: it depends!

However, we can give some indications. Before choosing between a boiler and a boiler, it is essential to identify the use I will make of it. It is therefore necessary to analyse the consumption associated with both solutions.

For the water heater, the electric variant is the one that has the lowest purchase cost but has higher water and electricity consumption.

Gas water heaters are usually more expensive, but the investment pays off over time thanks to reduced consumption.

A condensing boiler has a higher initial cost but is the best solution in terms of energy saving when the outside temperatures are colder.

Finally, an alternative solution is the heat pump water heater, which works on a heat exchange with the outside air, which eliminates the problem of emitting combustible gases into the atmosphere.

Water heater vs boiler: which one to choose?

The choice between a boiler and a water heater depends mainly on the specific needs of your home:

  • If you need space heating in addition to domestic hot water, a boiler is the most complete and efficient solution.
  • If you just want hot water and have limited space, a water heater might be the best choice.

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