
Here's a guide to safely thawing aa condensate pipe

Here's a guide to safely thawing aa condensate pipe

How do I know if the condensate pipe is frozen?

If part of your condensate pipework is outside and does freeze during a prolonged period of very cold weather, you might hear a gurgling noise coming from the boiler and if your boiler has a digital display, you may see an A01 or A61 error code too. There’s no need to worry if your condensate pipe freezes. You can usually thaw it safely without the need to call an installer or engineer.

How to safely thaw a frozen condensate pipe

How to minimise the risk of the condensate pipe freezing again

Once the condensate pipe is thawed and you have successfully restarted your boiler, you can lag the pipe with waterproof and weatherproof lagging to help prevent it re-freezing.

Install a drain cover to protect the pipe end.

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